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As part of the 161st anniversary of the Battle of Brandy Station, Culpeper Battlefield Tours will be hosting a free real-time tour on Sunday, June 9. The tour will begin at 5:30AM, no pre-registration required.
Below are the locations and times of the tours:
5:30AM - 11380 Beverly Ford Rd, Brandy Station, VA - Intro of battle/opening clash.
6:30AM - 12465 Beverly Ford Rd - The field of battle develops
7:30AM - Intersection of Beverly Ford Rd and St. James Church Rd.
9:30AM - 12465 Beverly Ford Rd - Buford’s Knoll actions
12PM - 20362 Fleetwood Heights Rd, Brandy Station - The clash of the cavalry
1:30PM - Lenn Park, 18063 Stevensburg Rd., Culpeper - Duffie attacks
For more information, visit the Culpeper Battlefield Tours website.