Clint Schemmer: Youngkin approves Culpeper Battlefields State Park

“It was many years coming, but with the stroke of his pen on Tuesday June 21, Governor Glenn Youngkin authorized Virginia’s newest state park, one that will preserve and commemorate Culpeper County’s two most significant Civil War battlefields” wrote Clint Schemmer in his Culpeper Star-Exponent article. The American Battlefield Trust is to donate 1,700 acres in Culpeper to the state, the park will incorporate lands preserved at Brandy Station and Cedar Mountain and include elements of Kelly’s Ford and Rappahannock Station. Find the full article below!

Fleetwood Hill in Brandy Station Battlefield by Bud Hall.


Culpeper Star-Exponent: Chasing Trails, Culpeper battlefield hosts 1st ‘Cedar Mountain Rally’ races


Clint Schemmer: Culpeper Battlefields State Park approved by Virginia General Assembly